今日推荐曲目: At Your Worst - Calum Scott
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Quote meAnother : Flowers
[ 2007-12-01 04:00:47 ]
hey, anyone has the "my one and only love" link?

Quote meAnother : Fragrans
[ 2007-09-21 00:46:50 ]
Ha, good for you though! At least you know what you want... Wish you best luck on finding a girlfriend!!!!

If you need help, don't be afraid to ask... I believe that many friends here could become your adviser if you want... [cyworld140]
Quote meAnother : Fragrans
[ 2007-09-20 00:41:36 ]
God is one of US!! Very interesting... God is definitely among us. If you know how Jesus came to the earth, you will certainly understand how "God is one of us". But, not you, not me, not Shadowli... Does it matter? Well, no matter whether you believe in God or not, the words from God (Bible) actually show us how to live a meanful life, how to spend our time on earth wisely, and how to love and hope and value...

I always think that it is worthy to appreciate the Bible and learn from it constantly...
Quote meAnother : Fragrans
[ 2007-09-19 02:40:32 ]
I don't think that it is possible....
haha, sorrry! But, you should be glad that God actually rewards you something better...

And what is it? (you might be wandering!)
No one can't tell you actually, because they are no God.
Try to talk to God then, and you will realize one day...
Quote meAnother : Message in a Bottle
[ 2007-09-13 22:44:25 ]
Great Honor! Thank you, Shadowli, for sharing ONE MORE TIME! It is indeed a beautiful beautiful song...

Not sure whether you was also wandering: how would it feel like to live with the life style that Garret and his town were living with? Garret spent all his life in the town, building boats, sailing, fishing, and sitting on the beach... His father went to the same local Rests for a cup of coffee, drink or meals for his whole life... A small town close to the sea, with beautiful nature and rich resources, that is not commercialized to the degree of ruining itself... People were not fighting for a living, instead, they were just living for a living. And a lot of them were well educated (his wife is even an artist)...

One more thought: how can people fall in love so deep? Does it have something to do with the life style? Where they live? How they live? Who they live with? What they believe? ....
Quote meAnother : Crazy
[ 2007-09-12 02:57:05 ]
Sorry to keep this conversation going! Have you ever watched the movie called: <<Message in a Bottle>>? Imagine how deep Garret was in love with his wife who passed away, and imagine how beautiful it was when this couple were together, and imagine how painful Garret felt when his wife passed away, ...... But still, the movie was simply trying to say: move on and find your happiness!!! It was a beautiful and touching story. I believe that you should like it too. "Choose tomorrow or yesterday, and stick with it..." that is what Garret's father said. I really liked the attitude...

Shadowli said:
You know,Sometimes,I had a delusion that we were acquainted,Apparently it can't be,Anyway,Thanks a lot.
Quote meAnother : Crazy
[ 2007-09-11 01:55:42 ]
Ha, Fanthropos is a fun little young girl!!!! So young that I can hardly recall my days at that age... Anyway, Thank you, Shadowli, for the information. You should be more like an elder sister now!
Quote meAnother : I knew I loved you
[ 2007-09-07 23:39:32 ]
Shadowli, I love arguing with you. (keep in mind though, that an "arguement" does not necessarily mean 争论. It can be more like a statement or a point of view.)

I do agree that love is priceless. And you are right!! But still, "move on" is one of the best solutions after a break-up. You never know what is going to happen in your life. It is very likely something better, as long as you don't give yourself up...

Shadowli said:
Eh, eh, eh,Probably,I need time to reflect on your point of view,thanks a lot...
Quote meAnother : Crazy
[ 2007-09-07 01:21:08 ]
ONE MORE REQUEST: Fanthropos, can I have the address of your space too? Really looking forwards to enjoying your writing as well. Thanks!

Shadowli said:
The address of Fanthropos's space : http://user.qzone.qq.com/274388761
Quote meAnother : Crazy
[ 2007-09-07 01:03:21 ]
Fanthropos/Shadowlli, you two are really talented. I am quite positive that you two could easily become each other's best friend if you were ever given the chance. This conversation also makes me feel like going back to my high school where every girl was simple, "naive" and smart... In those days, those hearts had never been hurt, were full of hope for love and for life, and assumed that the world is nice and easy. Ha, what a fantasy!!!
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