09-15-2007 | By: shadowli
今日推荐曲目:The World Of OZ from - Clazziquai Project 클래지콰이
Comments Feed:
是不是shadowli 是个好可爱好温柔好好玩儿的女孩子~~~~
反正喜欢这个熊~~~ [038]
是不是shadowli 是个好可爱好温柔好好玩儿的女孩子~~~~
haha, sorrry! But, you should be glad that God actually rewards you something better...
And what is it? (you might be wandering!)
No one can't tell you actually, because they are no God.
Try to talk to God then, and you will realize one day...
god is one of us?
I always think that it is worthy to appreciate the Bible and learn from it constantly...
Faith,it Probably means the whole for faith,work for faith,love for faith...
When I was a little boy,mom and dad is my faith, I know they love me,they gave me so many things so that I can live well.They're my whole world.
Now I grew up,mon and dad no longer give me everything I need.It's my turn to show love to them,to make them be proud of me,make them happy.
They are my faith,but not all the world now.SO,errr... sometimes I just feel like I've lost something...I don't know.brabrabrabra......
Ps:with all this words,I mean maybe I need a girlfirend now :)
If you need help, don't be afraid to ask... I believe that many friends here could become your adviser if you want... [cyworld140]
haha, sorrry! But, you should be glad that God actually rewards you something better...
And what is it? (you might be wandering!)
No one can't tell you actually, because they are no God.
Try to talk to God then, and you will realize one day...
Oh, I see,If only I had acquainted with Doraemon,Ha!
what?what?what?You may just as well tell me the answer.
很高兴你能喜欢哈,呵,宽屏的?eh,It's a pity~
god is one of us?
We hope that you early meet your girlfriend.May your dream come true.