Song Recommendation: The Sound Of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Colorful Light
01-20-2011 | By: shadowli

今日推荐曲目:Let It Be Me _ Rosie Thomas & Ed Harcourt
I bless the day I found you | I want to stay around you | And so I beg you | let it be me
Don't take this heaven from one | If you must cling to someone | Now and forever | let it be me
Each time we meet love | I find complete love | Without your sweet love what would life be
So never leave me lonely | Tell me you love me only | And that you'll always | let it be me
Each time we meet love | I find complete love | Without your sweet love what would life be
So never leave me lonely | Tell me you love me only | And that you'll always | let it be me

搬新住处之后今天还是头一回上天台看看,发现小区不远处有一美食城,各种绚丽灯光聚集,就胡乱晃动相机拍了一些。因为晃着拍成像实在太随机,构图大都不合心意,所有照片后期都不得不做二次构图。推荐一首名为Let It Be Me的曲子,最早是在影片《怦然心动 Flipped》的片尾听到的,无比美好的音乐和影片。

Quote of the Day: The man who has never made a mistake will never make anything else. _ G.B. Shaw
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